Tuesday, May 19, 2009
{ title; and so we ventured into the unknown ; }

monday blues really kicked in bad. was so ugh the whole day. kinda had too many things to be done. and mister rock wasnt around to let me bully. so basically my day was me moping around the office. and being made the center of that joke. i refuse to admit to anything.): and i tak mahu.

somehow i decided i need to go out. so i dated mummy u out to tampines 1. it was somewhere we both hadnt visited. although u hasnt been to anywhere in singapore besides yishun.

and so tampines we went! boss's friend even offered to send us there. so weird.

actually tampines 1 not really that exciting. the place quite small also. however we saw this store that actually offers installment plans for branded bag/handbags. new in singapore. therefore it was crowded. selling brands like Burberry & Anges B.(: and i found a bag i like.(: (: (: it is time to hatch an evil plan to con the mister into buying it for me. *evil laugh.(: (: (:

delicious choco fudge cakewe had dinner at this place call SayCheeze. food was quite good. we both had mushroom soups.(: it was goooooddddd. and the pasta aint that bad. slightly sourish 'cause of the sauce. i had penne with bacon in tomato sauce. u had spahgetti bolognaise. about this time we were already quite full. BUT! we still had some space for dessert.

look at her happy facei had chocolate fudge cake!(: not too sweet. and you wont get that too much feeling. like how you feel when you eat a whole bar of chocolate. it had a little creamy texture.(: the chocolate was kinda bitter-sweet. u had key lime cheese cake. SO SOUR! but apparently to her its good. so to each its own.

and we ended up sitting there for an hr. talking. gossiping. bitching. just making a connection.(:

i would definitely go to SayCheeze again. for another round of cakes, food and generally good service.(:

so anyone wanna go tampines with me?

new adventures bring new experiences, plus the company was good.

i think the website for the good cheesecake is @ SayCheezeCake

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mrs. lonely (: ;
@ 10:56 AM
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